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Presidential Unit Citation

What follows is the official presidential unit citation, awarded by President Nixon and certified by the Secretary of Defense on Nov. 25th, 1969.

By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States and as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, I have today awarded

The Presidential Unit Citation (Army)

For extraordinary heroism

  • 1st Battalion (Mechanized) 5th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division

and the following attached units:

  • 1st Platoon, Troop A, 3D Squadron, 4th Cavalry
  • 38th Infantry Platoon (Scout Dog)
  • 3D Platoon, Company A, 65th Engineer Battalion
  • 1st Platoon, Battery B
  • 5th Battalion (AW)(SP), 2D Artillery
  • 5th Section(-), Battery D, 7th Artillery
  • 44th Infantry Platoon(-)(Scout Dog)
  • Battery A(-), 7th Battalion, 11th Artillery

The 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 5th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division and its attached units distinguishedthemselves by extraordinary heroism in combat operations against numerically superior enemy forces in the Republic of Vietnam from 18 August to 20 September 1968. During this period, the 1st Battalion Task Force, through reconnaissance in force, ambush, counterambush and reaction missions, effectively destroyed a regimental size enemy force and preventing the enemy from seizing the initiative inits "third offensive." The officers and men of the Task Force displayed outstanding bravery, high morale and exemplary esprit de corps in fierce hand-to-hand combat and couter offensive action against well-disciplined, heavily armed and entrenched enemy forces.

An example of the outstanding bravery and aggressiveness occurred on 21 August during a reconnaissance in force mission. The lead element of Company C, 1st Battalion came under heavy mortar, rocket propelled grenade, machine gun and automatic weapons fires. The company deployed against the enemy force while the scourt platoon protected the company flank and prevented reinforcement by a battalion sized enemy unit. Through skillful use of close supporting fires from artillery, helicopter gunship and tactical air, the officers and men of the Task Force repulsed "human waves" counterattacks and defeated a numerically superior enemy forces, which left one hundred and eighty-two dead on the battlefield. The individual acts of gallantry, the teamwork and the aggressiveness of the officers and men of the 1st Battalion Task Force continued throughout the period of prolonged combat operations, resulting in the resounding defeat of enemy forces in their operational area. The heroic efforts, extraordinary bravery and professional competence displayed by the men of the 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry and attached units are in the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon themselves, their unis and the Armed Forcesof the United States.

Richard Nixon

>> For a printable copy of the Presidential Unit Citation (PUC), click here

>> For a printable copy of the Certification of the PUC, click here