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Purpose & Values
Purposes of this Association
  • To carry on in mind, spirit, and deed the values and traditions instilled in us as members of the 5th Infantry Regiment.
  • To provide support to our members and their families.
  • To foster our fellowship through organized meetings, reunions, and distribution of information.
The Association stands for:
  • Steadfast devotion to the principles upon which our country was founded.
  • The high standards and ideals set by our Army.
  • The determined and aggressive spirit of our fighting 25th Infantry Div.
  • The ever-present team work that has carried the 5th Infantry of the "Tropic Lightning" to victory.
  • The perpetuation of the unselfish friendships formed in combat.
Benefits & Opportunities
Every member of the 5th Infantry Regiment Association gains:
  • A personal website account, which includes:
    • Customizing your own profile
    • Record your unit & roles at the Regiment, as well as any conflict or war you were part of
    • Viewing other members' profiles and contact information
    • Identify and communicate with the Bobcat staff
    • Carrying out all applications, purchases, or fees online
  • Eligibility for an annual college scholarship
  • Access to purchasing member-only merchandise, which include customizable clothing
  • Quarterly newsletters, both past and present
  • A printable roster with all of the names and contact info of your fellow members
  • Frequent email updates with Association, Regiment, and reunion news
  • Membership card
Qualifications &
Pricing Options
Who is eligible for a membership?
Active Duty: Soldiers that (a) were member of the 5th Infantry Regiment at any time and (b) are still in active duty are eligible.
Veteran: In this case, "veteran" applies to anyone out of the military and with an honorable discharge. Any veteran that was a members of the 5th Infantry Regiment is eligible.
Associate Members: A family members of someone that served in the 5th Infantry Regiment is eligible for an "associate membership". Associated members recieve the same privileges and appropriate dues.
What are the membership costs?
If you would like to become a member, the dues and how long each due lasts are listed below.

About "Active Duty" pricing: Our active duty fees reflect the Army's increased incomes of higher ranked soldiers

About "Veteran" pricing: Our age-based, lifetime, veteran fees are set based on how younger members (and their lifetime memberships) will likely live longer

Current age & rank: If your renewal depends on your age or rank, then your fee is based on your current age or rank.
Active Duty, 1 year
$5 for 1 year
Active Duty, Lifetime (E1 - E4)
Active Duty, Lifetime (E5 - E6)
Active Duty, Lifetime (E7 - E9)
Active Duty, Lifetime (Officer)
Veteran, 1 Year
$15 for 1 year
Veteran, 2 Year
$25 for 2 years
Veteran, 5 Year
$60 for 5 years
Veteran, Lifetime between 50 and 64 years old
Veteran, Lifetime if 65 years or older
Veteran, Lifetime, 49 years old or less