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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Danny Cleon Barnes
PFC Barnes died in BINH DUONG, SOUTH VIETNAM on 1/7/1967 during the Vietnam War - Battle for Cu Chi as a member of Alpha Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'GUN, SMALL ARMS FIRE'. Barnes originated from Seattle, Washington .
On January 7, 1967, the battalion began to work its way north towards the Saigon River and the Ho Bo Woods. Three Bobcats from Company A were killed on January 7. A 105mm artillery dud, hung in a tree, was command detonated as they were checking out some suspicious noise. The 1st Infantry Division along with the 173rd Airborne, 11th Armored Cavalry, and several ARVN units were beginning a detailed search of the Ben Suc, Thanh-Dien Forestry preserve and the so called "Iron Triangle" areas.