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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Billy Jackson Dailey
SP4 Dailey died on 9/22/1966 during the Vietnam War - Battle for Cu Chi as a member of Bravo Company . Dailey originated from Moberly, Missouri .
On September 22, 1966, at 0415 hours the forward base received 15 rounds of 60mm mortar rounds resulting in 5 WIA. Company A dispatched one platoon to recon a direct route from the forward base camp to Trung Lap. At 1105 hours an APC from Company A detonated an AT mine resulting in 1 WIA. The vehicle was extensively damaged and the company dispatched additional APCs to assist in its removal. The wet ground caused the damaged APC and the towing vehicles to continually bog down. The party did not close the battalion base until 0200 hours. Company B (-) performed maintenance while one of its platoons extracted stuck vehicles and returned to base camp at 1545 hours. Company C conducted S&D operations in an attempt to locate the area from where the mortar attack had taken place. The area was located and while extending the area of their S&D operation the company engaged an estimated 8 VC at 1216 hours. At 1332 hours an APC detonated a mine and one Bobcat was wounded. Night ambushes were deployed from the battalion forward base with negative contact. Also on September 22, one Bobcat from Company B died from injuries he had received earlier.