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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Joseph Martin Brady
PFC Brady died in Phuoc Long, South Vietnam on 2/5/1967 during the Vietnam War - Battle for Cu Chi as a member of Alpha Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Gun, Small Arms Fire'. Brady originated from Weston, West Virginia .
On February 05, 1967, at 0812 hours, an ambush patrol from Company A located at WT 969696 received fire from across the Tonle Roti River, which marked the border between Cambodia and South Viet Nam. The ambush returned fire into Cambodia, resulting in 2 VC being killed. One body fell into the river and the other was dangling in a tree. The ambush continued receiving fire from inside Cambodia until 0830 hours when they were retrieved by Company A. At 1006 hours, Company A departed the battalion base camp following Company B. At 1025 hours Company C departed the base camp enroute to link up with the 4/31st Infantry. At 1033 hours Company A received small arms fire from their left flank. The fire was returned with unknown results. At 1244 hours, Company A passed through Company B and assumed the lead. At 1335 hours in the area of WT 983666, Company A became involved in a fire-fight with a force of unknown size. They began receiving RPG-2 fire, rifle grenades and small arms fire. 2 APCs were hit by RPG-2 fire and one detonated a mine. Contact was broken at 1735 hours. Two Bobcats were killed and 18 were wounded in the fire-fight. As elements of Company A were searching the trench line area of the fight, a sniper shot and killed one Bobcat. The battalion established a new base camp at WT 996665. All elements closed the base by 1937 hours.