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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Lee Ervin Burnor
SP4 Burnor died on 2/4/1969 during the Vietnam War as a member of Alpha Company . Burnor originated from Deerfield, Michigan .
On February 04, 1969, at 1400 hours, a 75 round artillery barrage of white phosphorous was fired along a 3 kilometer axis of XT 5927 to 6130 in the Ho Bo Woods in the hopes of starting a fire. At 1432 hours, to the south of the above location at XT 578253, Company A requested a Dust-off for three wounded Bobcats and two Bobcats who had been killed. The casualties were the result of two 155mm booby trapped rounds being detonated. They were rigged with trip wires and set 25 meters apart. One was set in a tree to create a low air burst. One of the Bobcats who was wounded, died shortly after being dusted-off.