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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
James Howard Heppler
CPL Heppler died in long Khanh, South Vietnam on 8/31/1970 during the Vietnam War as a member of Alpha Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Other Explosive Device'. Heppler originated from Needham, Massachusetts .
On August 31, 1970, at 0930 hours, Company B, 3/22nd Infantry made contact with a large enemy force. At 1545 hours, Company A, 1/5th(M) was sweeping an area 500 meters north of the contact area when they received small arms and RPG fire from an unknown size enemy force at YT 534014. The enemy fire was returned with organic weapons and artillery with unknown results. Two Bobcats from Company A were killed and five were wounded. Two APCs received heavy damage in the fight.