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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Dale Raymond Jackson
PFC Jackson died in Binh Duong, South Vietnam on 2/10/1969 during the Vietnam War as a member of Alpha Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Gun, Small Arms Fire'. Jackson originated from Columbia, Missouri .
On February 10, 1969, Company A made contact with an estimated VC squad, one kilometer north of Trung Lap at XT 590225. At 1250 hours, Company A requested a Dust-off for one man with a gunshot wound. At 1304 hours, the Dust-off was canceled as the Bobcat had died from his wounds. At 1310 hours, Company A reported that they had an estimated 15 VC on line at XT 586232. Company B was committed to respond to the Company A contact. Air strikes and artillery were called in on the enemy position. At 1411 hours, Company B arrived on scene. A sweep of the enemy position located one enemy body.