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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Roger Claire Mc Cord
CPL Mc Cord died in Hua Nghia, South Vietnam on 12/18/1968 during the Vietnam War as a member of Alpha Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Gun, Small Arms Fire'. Mc Cord originated from Dunlap, Iowa .
On December 18, 1968, at 0603 hours, the Recon Platoon departed the night encampment to begin a sweep of Highway 7A. At 0719 hours, the platoon requested a Dust-off for one wounded at the junction of Highway 7A and 237. At 1013 hours, Company A reported that they were receiving small arms, automatic weapons and RPG fire 2 kilometers north of Phuoc My at XT 595173. At 1015 hours, they requested a Dust-off as one APC was hit by RPG fire. At 1018 hours, Company B started moving towards the Company A contact. At 1043 hours, Company B started receiving fire from their left flank. Company A put a hold on the Dust-off until a landing zone could be secured. At 1101 hours, three wounded Bobcats were dusted-off. One KIA remained at the Company A location. At 1244 hours, Company A requested a Dust-off for two Bobcats who had been shot. Company B also dusted-off two wounded. Two APCs had been hit by RPG fire so far in the contact. There was a lull till 1521 hours, when both Companies A and B reported receiving sniper fire. Soon Company A started receiving small arms and RPG fire in the same general area of the earlier contact. A Dust-off was requested at 1547 hours for six wounded Bobcats from Company A. Air strikes and helicopter gun ship fire were placed on the enemy position. At 1602 hours, Companies A and B received 60mm mortar fire. Air strikes and light fire team ordinance was again applied to the enemy positions. At 1715 hours, another barrage of 60mm mortar fire was received. At 1720 hours, Company A had an APC hit by RPG fire. Airstrikes and helicopter light fire teams were again requested. At 1728 hours, Company A had two more APCs hit by RPG fire. Company B requested a Dust-off at 1742 hours for two wounded Bobcats. Company A received a few more 60mm mortar rounds. The VC broke contact and the two companies made a quick sweep of the area. They then closed into the night perimeter at 1915 hours. Air strikes and artillery were applied to suspected locations of enemy forces in the area. During the contact twenty Bobcats were wounded. One Bobcat from Company A was killed and one Bobcat from Company B was killed.