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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Craig Rathbun
CPL Rathbun died in Cambodia on 5/20/1970 during the Vietnam War - Cambodia Incursion as a member of Alpha Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Rathbun originated from Grandview, Missouri .
On May 20, 1970, at 0955 hours, Company A received small arms and RPG fire from an unknown size enemy force southeast of Dar at XU 223003. Fire was returned with organic weapons and a helicopter light fire team with unknown results. The enemy broke contact at 1045 hours. Two Bobcats from Company A were killed and five were wounded in the fight. At 1245 hours, Company A received fire from individuals in a bunker. The fire was returned with organic weapons, air strikes with napalm and helicopter light fire teams. Enemy fire ceased at 1415 hours.