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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Keith Leroy Shipp
PFC Shipp died in South Vietnam on 4/2/1966 during the Vietnam War - Battle for Cu Chi as a member of Alpha Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Shipp originated from Medford, Oregon .
At 0730 hours on April 2, 1966, the battalion units moved along assigned routes to predetermined objective areas. Troop A, ¾ Cavalry was attached to the 1/5th(M) and Company C 1/5th(M) was OPCON to the 1/69th Armor. Company C had 2 APCs bog down and during the extrication process one Bobcat was shot and killed. Upon moving to a secondary objective, Company A had an APC destroyed by a command detonated 175mm Arty round at 1730 hours. A second was damaged by another mine. The 1st APC was flipped over onto its top and resulted in 4 Bobcats killed and 4 wounded. Two Vietnamese National Policemen were also wounded. Three Bobcats were wounded on the 2nd APC. One of the men described it as one hectic evening and night. “The command detonated mine blew the track up and over onto its back, killing four and seriously wounding others. When I got there the track commander, who was seriously wounded, was determined to ‘call in my own damn dust off.’ Due to enemy contact we had to strip the track, evac the wounded and pull back for the night. We were in contact all night long ¼ then recovered the A5 in the am ... finding our cook, KIA, beneath the track.” Numerous tunnel systems and assorted fortifications were discovered in the area along with some caches of various supplies and equipment. “There were so many houses and tunnels that they couldn’t be effectively covered in a week’s time;” and “The area is honeycombed” were some of the reports being transmitted over the radio.