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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Arnold Bruce Wimberly
SGT Wimberly died in Tay Ninh, South Vietnam on 9/16/1968 during the Vietnam War - Ben Cui as a member of Alpha Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Gun, Small Arms Fire'. Wimberly originated from Highland Park, Michigan .
On September 16, 1968, Company A was set up in a night defensive perimeter at the Ben Cui Air Strip near XT 443451. At 0020 hours, a flare ship was operating over the area of the perimeter. Enemy movement had been observed to the south of the perimeter since late evening. After 0100 hours Company A received heavy RPG, small arms and automatic weapons fire as well as a ground assault against the perimeter. At 0122 hours, contact was reported as still heavy and that two Bobcats had been killed and three wounded, so far. At 0150 hours, Company A reported a renewed ground assault coming from the west. At 0209 hours, Company A reported that the enemy contact had ceased. An occasional RPG round was fired at the perimeter during the remainder of the morning. Dust-offs were completed at 0402 hours. It was an estimated reinforced enemy company that attacked the Company A position. Company A suffered two Bobcats killed and ten wounded. Later in the day at 1136 hours, an APC from Company C detonated an AT mine on Highway 239, about 200 meters east of the junction of Highways 239 and 26. Four Bobcats were wounded. Company B, 1/5th(M) relieved Company A and occupied the night defensive position at the Ben Cui Air Strip.