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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Kenneth Lester Breshears
SP4 Breshears died in Tay Ninh, South Vietnam on 3/31/1967 during the Vietnam War - Battle for Cu Chi as a member of Bravo Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Gun, Small Arms Fire'. Breshears originated from Riverbank, California .
On March 31, 1967, Companies A, B, and C conducted S&D operations to the west of the battalion base. The Recon Platoon remained in reserve with the battalion command group. Company A made a brief contact at 0830 hours, exchanging small arms fire with negative results. At 1034 hours, Company B had one APC struck by an RPG-2 round at XT 229973. The fire was received from a trench line less than 1,000 meters south of the Cambodian Border. At 1052 hours while searching the area, Company B received more RPG-2 fire with negative hits. The area was taken under fire with 81mm mortars and organic weapons fire. At 1059 hours, 2 Company B APCs were hit by RPG-2 rounds. At 1125 hours, another APC was hit by RPG fire. Contact was broken at 1140 hours. At 1345 hours, Company B made contact in the same general area. One APC was hit by RPG fire, and contact was immediately broken. In all, four Bobcats from Company B were killed and 16 were wounded. At 1645 hours an APC from Company C hit an AT mine, resulting in 4 Bobcats being wounded. All units closed the battalion base by 1815 hours.