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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
George Lawrence Brown
SFC Brown died in Hua Nghia, South Vietnam on 3/5/1969 during the Vietnam War as a member of Bravo Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Gun, Small Arms Fire'. Brown originated from Norfolk, Virginia .
On March 05, 1969, Company A, 1/5th(M) along with Companies C and D, 2/12th Infantry, were in a combined night perimeter at XT 548251, near the area of the previous day’s contact. At 0451 hours, the perimeter began to receive mortar, RPG and small arms fire from the north. A flare ship and helicopter light fire team were requested. At 0536 hours, two Dust-offs were requested for at least 12 litter and more ambulatory casualties. At 0650 hours, the Dust-offs were completed. At 0700 hours, Company B began a road sweep of Highway 1 and then Highway 7A. At 0710 hours, Company A began a search of the area north of the night perimeter. At 0840 hours, Company C and the recon Platoon began movement to link up with Company A. They reached the area at 1105 hours. The day was spent policing enemy bodies, weapons and equipment from the area of contact. Company A and Company C, and the Recon Platoon, 1/5th(M) closed FSB Patton by 1730 hours. There were three Bobcats from Company A killed in the day’s action.