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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Ronald Edward Campbell
PFC Campbell died in Cambodia on 5/12/1970 during the Vietnam War - Cambodia Incursion as a member of Bravo Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Artillery, Rocket, or Mortar'. Campbell originated from Richmond, Kentucky .
On May 12, 1970, at 0545 hours, the Company C night perimeter at WT 928682 received small arms, automatic weapons, RPG and mortar fire from an unknown size enemy force. Company C returned fire with organic weapons, artillery and helicopter light fire teams. Six APCs were destroyed and five Bobcats were killed. Forty-four Bobcats were wounded. Thirty of these were minor wounds not requiring Dust-off. One Kit Carson Scout was killed when he went to assist the loading of a .50 caliber machine gun and an RPG hit the track and started it on fire. At 1820 hours, an APC from Company C detonated an AT mine. The APC was a combat loss and four Bobcats were wounded.