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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Billy Brown Day
PVT Day died in South Vietnam on 2/22/1966 during the Vietnam War - Battle for Cu Chi as a member of Bravo Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Gun, Small Arms Fire'. Day originated from Chattanooga, Tennessee .
On February 22, 1966, Troop A, 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry arrived at the Cu Chi Base Camp Area. While the priority of the 2nd Brigade was the continued expansion and improvement of the Cu Chi Base Camp area, a three day mounted search and clear operation was conducted by the 1st Bn(M) 5th Infantry. Their mission was to search and clear a wooded area located some 1500 meters southeast of the Cu Chi base camp, running from coordinates XT 674135 to 698118. They were then to provide security for six ARVN bulldozers that were to level parts of the area. The 1st Bn, 49th Infantry Regiment (ARVN) was to attack and operate in the southeastern portion of the objective area (XT 698113). The 1/5th Mech crossed the line of departure (LD) at 0830 hours, attacking with Companies A and B abreast. Recon Platoon screened the left (west) flank. A platoon from Company C was to search and clear the wooded area centered at XT 677118. Company C(-) was held in reserve. All units experienced continual sniper fire during the initial advance. At one point the Recon Platoon received intense small arms(SA) and heavy machine gun (MG) fire which was returned with organic weapons, mortar and artillery fire. Extensive tunnel systems were located in the vicinity of XT 688120. The battalion formed a night defensive perimeter at XT 688119 and spent the night at that location. Nine ambushes were deployed, two of which made contact with the enemy