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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Dan Ninkey James
SP4 James died in Hua Nghia, South Vietnam on 12/29/1968 during the Vietnam War as a member of Bravo Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Gun, Small Arms Fire'. James originated from Riceboro, Georgia .
On December 29, 1968, at 0900 hours, a member of the Recon Platoon was wounded by a booby trapped hand grenade. Company B was operating 2 kilometers northwest of Trung Lap. At 1014 hours, at XT 571233, a booby trapped 155mm artillery round was detonated by an APC. Five Bobcats from Company B were killed and eleven wounded by the explosion, which also destroyed the APC. At 1050 hours, an APC from Company C detonated a booby trap injuring three Bobcats.