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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Thomas J Ontiveros
PFC Ontiveros died on 9/28/1966 during the Vietnam War - Battle for Cu Chi as a member of Bravo Company . Ontiveros originated from Santa Maria, California .
On September 28, 1966, at 0859 hours, one APC from Company A hit an AT mine resulting in 4 minor wounded and extensive damage to the track. While in the same area at 1000 hours, Company A received 2 rifle grenades with negative casualties. At 1135 hours Company A received 2 rounds of fire from an AT weapon. Company C had just joined Company A in the area. At 1207 hours one APC from Company C detonated an AT mine resulting in 4 minor WIA. At 1210 hours Company A received sniper fire at XT 498333 resulting in one Bobcat from Company A being killed. At 1147 hours, elements of Company B engaged in a fire-fight resulting in two Bobcats from Company B killed and two others wounded. The battalion established a new CP location at XT 533347.