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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Christopher Scott Smith
SP4 Smith died in Hua Nghia, South Vietnam on 2/8/1969 during the Vietnam War as a member of Bravo Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Gun, Small Arms Fire'. Smith originated from Torrance, California .
On February 08, 1969, the Recon Platoon conducted a RIF southwest of Trung Lap in the area of XT 5619. Companies A and B were conducting a RIF 2 kilometers east of Trung Lap in the area of XT 6222. Scattered contact started at around 1200 hours. At 1338 hours, Company A requested a Dust-off for three wounded Bobcats at XT 625220. The company had engaged an unknown number of VC. After the firefight they found four enemy bodies, a machinegun and an RPG launcher. The company also had four wounded who did not require Dust-off. At 1411 hours, Company A requested another Dust-off for a Bobcat with a gunshot wound. They also had one Bobcat with shrapnel wounds. At 1442 hours, Company A requested another Dust-off for one wounded Bobcat. These were in the same location as the first Dust-off. At 1640 hours an air strike was directed on enemy positions in the area. At 1648 hours, Company A requested a Dust-off for a Bobcat with a severed artery. At 1811 hours, Company B had two APCs hit by RPG rounds at XT 627220. The company Dusted-off six wounded Bobcats and one dead Bobcat. At 1846 hours, an airstrike was delivered on suspected enemy positions. At 2037 hours, Company A linked up with elements of the 2/14th Infantry and established a night perimeter. At 2107 hours, Company B established a night perimeter at XT 618217 and dusted-off three additional dead Bobcats on resupply helicopters.