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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Daniel Ladare Underwood
SGT Underwood died in Hua Nghia, South Vietnam on 5/16/1968 during the Vietnam War as a member of Bravo Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Underwood originated from Pisgah, Alabama .
On May 16, 1968, at 0038 hours, the night base started receiving small arms and RPG fire. At 0040 hours, one of Company B’s patrols reported that they were returning to the perimeter with 3 casualties. At 0042 hours, one of Company A’s patrols was in direct contact. One of Company B’s APCs on the night perimeter was hit by an RPG round and started burning. Elements returned fire with organic weapons, air strikes and mortars. Two soldiers from the 2/34th were wounded, as were six Bobcats from Company A and eight Bobcats from Company B. Six Bobcats from Company B were killed at their ambush site location. Their bodies could not be retrieved because of the contact. At 0325 hours, patrols were sent out to search the area. At 0500 hours, Company B pulled all their patrols in because of enemy movement in the area. A search of the area in the daylight revealed the bodies of VC soldiers, weapons, ammunition and equipment. Numerous blood trails were also found in the area. The bodies of the six Bobcats from the Company B ambush were retrieved. “Word” circulated amongst the soldiers that the men had apparently fallen asleep and had their throats cut. A tracker dog team was brought out to the battalion base area and a detailed search of the area was conducted during the day. Company C remained OPCON to the 2/34th Armor and continued operations in the Vinh Loc area.