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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Joseph Alan Goodson
SP4 Goodson died in Hua Nghia, South Vietnam on 3/4/1969 during the Vietnam War as a member of Charlie Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Gun, Small Arms Fire'. Goodson originated from Ulmer, South Carolina .
On March 04, 1969, at 0535 hours, the Company C night perimeter, located along Highway 237, 4 kilometers northwest of Trung Lap, received small arms and RPG fire. Fire was returned with organic weapons and helicopter gunships. There were no friendly casualties. At 0745 hours, Companies C and D of the 2/12th Infantry made an airmobile combat assault into Grid XT 5425, several kilometers northwest of the Company C, 1/5th(M) night perimeter. They immediately established heavy contact and Companies A and C, 1/5th(M) were dispatched to reinforce the contact. At 1308 hours, Company A requested a Dust-off at XT 556258 for one Bobcat with a gunshot wound. At 1315 hours, Company C requested a Dust-off for three Bobcats with gunshot wounds. At 1327 hours, Companies A and C arrived in the area of the 2/12th Infantry contact. At 1340 hours, Company C requested a Dust-off for five wounded Bobcats. At 1345 hours, Company A requested a Dust-off for two wounded Bobcats. At 1432 hours, Company D, 2/12th Infantry cleared the area of contact and Companies A and C, 1/5th(M) began a sweep of the contact area. At 1703 hours, the mech companies reported that they were no longer receiving enemy fire. The dead bodies of enemy soldiers along with weapons had been located in a search of the contact area. At 1749 hours, Company C reported that two APCs had been hit by RPG fire and one was on fire. Company C requested a Dust-off at 1757 hours for eleven wounded Bobcats. At 1851 hours, Company C requested a Dust-off for one wounded. At 1933 hours, a Dust-off was requested for six Bobcats from Company A with fragmentation wounds. At 2019 hours, at XT 560263, Company C received 3 RPG rounds and some small arms fire. At 2045 hours, Company C reported that all its APCs were now on Highway 7A, in the area of Trung lap. At 2101 hours, they closed their night perimeter. At 2111 hours, Company B closed their night perimeter. During the day’s contact two Bobcats from Company C were killed and Companies A and C suffered a total of 38 wounded.