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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Charles Lee Hathorn Jr
SGT Hathorn Jr died in Hua Nghia, South Vietnam on 4/7/1969 during the Vietnam War as a member of Charlie Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Hathorn Jr originated from Laurel, Mississippi .
On April 07, 1969, at 0655 hours, the Recon Platoon departed for a sweep of Highway 7A and Highway 1. At 0715 hours, both Companies A and C departed for a RIF operation with Company B, 2/14th Infantry. At 0735 hours, Company B, 1/5th(M) departed for a sweep of Highway 19. At 0844 hours, the Recon Platoon requested a Dust-off for one Bobcat wounded when a booby trap was detonated south of Trung Lap. At 0927 hours, Company A requested a Dust-off for one Bobcat wounded by a booby trap. At 0948 hours, Company C received one incoming mortar round 3 kilometers northwest of Trung Lap. At 0954 hours, Company C requested a Dust-off for one Bobcat wounded by a booby trap at XT 575244. At 1028 hours, Company C reported that the area they were searching had fighting positions containing RPG ammunition and grenades. They found a couple of bodies and each position had a gas mask in it. At 1050 hours, Company C began receiving small arms and RPG fire. A helicopter light fire team was requested. At 1103 hours, Company C requested a Dust-off for two wounded Bobcats and one dead Bobcat. At 1157 hours, the Dust-off was completed for two dead Bobcats and three wounded Bobcats. At 1250 hours, another Dust-off was requested for one dead and one wounded Bobcat, also from Company C. At 1548 hours, Company A reported that it was receiving RPG fire. At 1558 hours, Company A requested a Dust-off for four wounded Bobcats. During a sweep of the contact area, enemy bodies, weapons and equipment were policed up and disposed of.