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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
1st Lt
Dennis Roger Hunsley
1st Lt Hunsley died in Binh Duong, South Vietnam on 3/15/1969 during the Vietnam War as a member of Charlie Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Hunsley originated from Hannibal, Missouri .
On March 15,1969, at 0007 hours, Company C departed their night perimeter for a link up site. At 0031 hours, Company C was located at XT 601240 and moving east. At 0118 hours, Company C was located at XT 607240. They reported hearing movement to their front and received one round of RPG fire. At 0122, a helicopter light fire team was requested and Company C reported that it had 2 APCs hit at this time. At 0130 hours, Company C reported that they were receiving fire from the front and on both flanks. They reported that there were wounded and killed on the two lead APCs and that the column was backing out of the contact at that time. Company B began closing on the Company C contact area. At 0156 hours, Company C requested a Dust-off to stand-by until they could secure an LZ. At 0228 hours, Company C sent a dismounted patrol to pick up any personnel from the lead APCs. Star Clusters had been fired from the APCs. At 0252 hours, the first Dust-off was complete for 8 wounded Bobcats. At 0320 hours, the 2nd Dust-off was complete for 9 wounded Bobcats and one dead Bobcat. At 0321 hours, Company C reported that they were no longer receiving enemy fire. At 0402 hours, the dismounted patrol reached the downed APCs. They found no one alive. At 0701 hours, Company C moved through the area of contact. Five Bobcats were killed and nineteen were wounded in the contact.