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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
James Arnold Mardis Jr.
PFC Mardis Jr. died in Binh Duong, South Vietnam on 6/5/1969 during the Vietnam War as a member of Charlie Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Mardis Jr. originated from Vandenberg AFB, California .
On June 05, 1969, Companies A and C began participation in a five day RIF in an area northwest of Trung Lap. Also participating in the operation on the first day were Companies B and C of the 2/12th Infantry, Company A, 2/34th Armor, and elements of the ARVN 3/49th Infantry. At 1248 hours, a large enemy force in fortified positions was engaged at XT 568255. Elements from Companies A and C, 1/5th(M) received heavy small arms, automatic weapons and RPG fire. Artillery and helicopter gunship fires were called in called in to help suppress the enemy fire. During the firefight, a helicopter gunship was shot down, killing all four members of the crew. Three APCs were also destroyed by enemy fire. Three Bobcats from Company A, two Bobcats from Company C and one Bobcat medic were killed in the encounter. Fourteen Bobcats were wounded. During a sweep of the area after the firefight, bodies of dead enemy soldiers along with weapons and equipment were policed up and disposed of.