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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Charles Eugene Mc Million
PFC Mc Million died in Hua Nghia, South Vietnam on 5/29/1969 during the Vietnam War as a member of Charlie Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Mc Million originated from Jefferson, Ohio .
On May 29, 1969, elements of the 1/5th(M) participated in a combined cordon and search operation 3 kilometers northwest of Trung Lap. As forces moved into the area, the fleeing VC were subjected to artillery and helicopter gunship fire. The blocking forces were Company B(-) on the right, Company A 2/34th Armor and Company C, 2/12th Infantry on the left. To the east was Company C, 2/27th Infantry. Company C,1/5th(M) and ARVN forces would conduct the search. At 1137 hours, Company C requested a Dust-off for one wounded Bobcat. At 1232 hours, Company C requested another Dust-off for one man with a gunshot wound and one with wounds from a booby trapped hand grenade. At 1330 hours, Company C received RPG fire from hedgerows to their front. Two APCs were hit. A Dust-off was requested for one wounded Bobcat. The two damaged APCs were extracted from the area and air strikes were called in. At 1440 hours, Company C had another APC hit by RPG fire. A Dust-off was requested for five wounded Bobcats and one dead Bobcat. Air support was again employed before the units swept through the area.