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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Milburn Hines Starnes
SP4 Starnes died in South Vietnam on 11/3/1966 during the Vietnam War - Battle for Cu Chi as a member of Charlie Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Gun, Small Arms Fire'. Starnes originated from Littlefield, Texas .
On November 3, 1966, at 0615 hours, the 1st Battalion(M) 5th Infantry with Troop B, 3/4 cavelry attached, commenced an attack into the northern Filhol in the area of XT 6322. Company A, with the help of a Chieu Hoi, discovered a munitions cache. At 1800 hours Company A established a base at XT 655231. Company B sustained 1 Bobcat wounded in a fire fight when an APC detonated an AT mine. Company B established a base at XT 647241. Company C became engaged in a firefight at XT 638239. The fight went from 1253 hours until the VC broke contact at 1700 hours. During the fight, two Bobcats were killed and three were wounded. The Battalion CP and Company C established a base at XT 635235. Troop B had 3 APCs hit mines resulting in 3 troopers being wounded. Troop B established a base at XT 642228.