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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
David Michael Williams
1LT Williams died in South Vietnam on 1/11/1969 during the Vietnam War as a member of HQ-Recon Platoon . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Other Explosive Device'. Williams originated from Arlington, Virginia .
On January 11, 1969, an ambush patrol from Company C engaged an unknown number of VC shortly after midnight, along Highway 7A, 1 kilometer north of Highway 1. In a search of the area after the contact the bodies of four enemy soldiers were found along with weapons and equipment. One wounded VC soldier was captured. At 1120 hours, the Scout Platoon requested a Dust-off for two injured Bobcats. The pair was wounded as they began to search a tunnel and a booby trap exploded just inside the tunnel. Both men died of their injuries later in the day.