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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
William De Armond
SGT De Armond died on 9/9/1874 during the Indian Wars - Red River War as a member of Company I . De Armond originated from New York, NY and is buried at San Antonio National Cemetery, San Antonio, TX .
Born in Butler County, Ohio, he served as a Sergeant in Company 1, 5th Infantry, US Army. On September 9, 1874, a supply train with a small cavalry escort, began to travel from their encampment to General Nelson Miles expedition force camped at Battle Creek, Texas. Suddenly from a canyon on the Upper Washita River, the supply detail was attacked by a large Indian war party. During the day long siege, Sergeant DeArmond while fighting and dispersing his men was killed and his body was never recovered. For Gallantry in action, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor on April 23, 1875.