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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Christophe J. Marquis
PFC Marquis died in Kandahar on 4/11/2011 during the GWOT - Afghanistan (2011) as a member of Unknown . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'IED'. Marquis originated from Tampa, Florida .
Tampa soldier dies of injuries sustained in Afghanistan A 40-year-old Tampa soldier died Sunday from injuries he sustained in an Aug. 27 attack in Kandahar province, Afghanistan. Pfc. Christophe J. Marquis, 40, was injured when insurgents attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device, according to the Department of Defense. Marquis was injured and later died at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Marquis was married to Brittany Jackson-Marquis, according to his Facebook page. Jackson-Marquis is a billing specialist for Ashley Furniture Industries and attended Blake High School in Tampa, according to her Facebook page. Marquis has been in the U.S. Army since April, 2010, according to his Facebook page. He previously served in the French army as a staff sergeant from 1992 to 1997, according to his page, His last wall post came on Aug. 17 at 2:09 a.m. "definitely Kandahar is much too hot in August" Marquis was injured four days before his second wedding anniversary, according to his Facebook page. Frenchman killed in the ranks of the US military in Afghanistan (updated) Information published in the Norman editions of Ouest-France Former bar owner in Caen, Christophe Marquis, 40, had joined the US army. He was killed in Afghanistan. "The former owner of the" Vert Bouteille "wine bar on rue Écuyère in Caen was seriously injured on August 27, the victim of a suicide bombing in the region of Kandahar in Afghanistan at the age of 40. He died a few days later, September 4, to Landstuhl in Germany where he had been repatriated for treatment. He was part of a combat brigade of the 25th Infantry Division at Fort Wainwright in Alaska. His regiment was sent to Afghanistan in April. Christophe Marquis is from the Strasbourg region. At 18, he enlisted in the French army for a period of five years. Then, he became a bartender in Caen at the “Café Latin”. He took the boss's apron, for several years in a row, of the “Vert Bouteille” wine bar in Caen. “He was an energetic and determined boss. Friendly. The decor was superb, combining the old and the modern ”recalls a loyal customer. It was during a visit to his sister Magali in Virginia that Christophe Marquis decided to live in the United States. In 2008, he opened a café: “Le 502 Sports café” in Tampa, Florida. He married in September 2009, seven months before enlisting in the US military. A commitment "for social security and the chance to have a house" he said. It will not be on his son Christopher's first birthday. The couple wanted a second child. Her funeral will be on September 17 in Tampa. His wife Brittany came to Strasbourg to accompany her husband's family to a funeral ceremony. " Updating. A tribute has been posted on the Warhorse Brigade Facebook page (click here to access). The text contains an error. Christophe Marquis did not serve in the Legion but spent 5 years in the 21st Marine Infantry Regiment, based in Fréjus. He reached the rank of sergeant. The text specifies that he was the holder of the National Defense Service Ribbon, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Afghan Campaign Medal. Posthumously, he received the Bronze Star, the Purple Hart and the Combat Infantryman Badge. Christophe Joël Marquis was born on 25 January 1971 in Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin (Alsace, France). He joined the French Army at age 18 and served from 1992 to 1997 with a stint in ex-Yugoslavia. He left his unit witht he rank of Sergent (Sergeant), he was a Group Leader in the 3rd Company in the 21e RIMa (21st Marine Infantry Regiment). After that, he owned many bars, and the last one he had was a wine bar in Caen (NW France), called "Vert Bouteille". He met his American wife while visiting his sister in the US, who was married with an American at the time. The info I'm sending can be verified on the following military blog: http://lignesdedefense.blogs.ouest-france.fr/archive/2011/09/15/un-francais-tue-dans-les-rangs-de-l-armee-americaine-en-afgh.html as well as in his mother's book (Francine Soucat), French/English version. Hoping this will be useful, Kind Regards, Hugues GESCHWINDENHAMMER