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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Steven Revilock
SSG Revilock died on 4/4/1945 during the World War II as a member of 71st Infantry Charlie Company . Revilock originated from Cuyahoga County, Ohio and is buried at Steven Revilock is buried or memorialized at Plot I, Row 12, Grave 1, American War Cemetery Margraten. .
S/Sgt Steven Revilock enlisted in the US Army at Cleveland, Ohio on August 1, 1941. On the April 3, 1945 his unit made contact with elements of the 6th German SS Mountain Division near Breitenbaum. They began a fight that the took them through the wooded and hilly terrain. Two men were killed and S/Sgt Steven Revilock was seriously wounded and died the next day.