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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Overtis Hinton Jr.
CPL Hinton Jr. died in Binh Duong, Vietnam on 5/19/1968 during the Vietnam War as a member of A Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Hostile action, multiple fragmentation wounds'. Hinton Jr. originated from Wynne, AR and is buried at Graham Cemetery (Wynne, AR) .
On May 19, 1968, at approximately 0500 hours, the battalion base area started receiving mortar and RPG fire. The Company A ambush set off its Claymores on a large enemy force. In the ensuing firefight, four Bobcats were killed and several others were wounded. Those still alive fought their way back to the perimeter with the wounded members of the patrol. The enemy attack was repulsed with organic weapons, artillery and air strikes. Many VC bodies were found in front of the Company A ambush location. During the day Company A(-) and Company B(-) conducted a RIF operation west and north of the base area.