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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
John Alexander Connell
1LT Connell died in Tay Ninh, South Vietnam on 8/20/1968 during the Vietnam War - Ben Cui as a member of Alpha Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Gun, Small Arms Fire'. Connell originated from Southport, South Carolina .
On August 20, 1968, at 0625 hours, Company C and the Recon Platoon and the 3rd Brigade CRIP unit departed Dau Tieng to check out the previous day’s contact area on Highway 239, south of the abandoned Ben Cui airstrip at XT 4545. The village at XT 463450 was searched. Villagers reported that a large VC force was in the area. At 1310 hours, the units closed on the contact area where the tank and APC had been left the evening before. One damaged tank and one damaged APC were taken into tow to be returned to Dau Tieng. The body of one tanker from the ¾ Cavalry was found inside the tank. In a search of the immediate area around XT 4545, blood trails, web gear and miscellaneous ammunition were located. The units closed back at Dau Tieng Base Camp by 1600 hours. At 1731 hours the Dau Tieng Base Camp received a 47 round mortar barrage. Company A, still OPCON to the 4/23(M), had one Bobcat shot and killed by a sniper, leaving only one commissioned officer in Company A.