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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Charlie Gray
SP4 Gray died in South Vietnam on 7/24/1966 during the Vietnam War - Battle for Cu Chi as a member of Alpha Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Other Explosive Device'. Gray originated from Fayetteville, North Carolina .
On July 24, 1966, the battalion (minus Company C which was attached to the 4/9th Infantry) began a 19 day period of operations in the northern Filhol, the Ho Bo Woods, and the area around Trung Lap. At 0815 hours Company A and the Recon Platoon commenced operations. With the assistance of a PF soldier and a Chieu Hoi, a VC base camp was located at XT 720104. The camp consisted of 4 buildings and a bunker tunnel complex. One Bobcat was killed when a booby trap was detonated. The camp was destroyed and the units closed Cu Chi Base Camp at 1440 hours