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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Raymond Murphy Morris
CPL Morris died in Cambodia on 5/9/1970 during the Vietnam War - Cambodia Incursion as a member of Alpha Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Morris originated from Austell, Georgia .
On May 09, 1970, at 1010 hours, Company C engaged a few individuals and when checking the area of contact at WT 890658, they located a large base camp area with mess halls and bunkers. The base was approximately 400 meters long and 400 meters wide. At 1130 hours, Company A engaged an estimated enemy platoon one kilometer northeast of Trapeang Pikar at WT 833684. In the exchange of fire one Bobcat was killed and fourteen were wounded. At 1130 hours, Company B engaged an unknown size enemy force at WT 835705. A helicopter light fire team was employed and the enemy broke contact. At 1610 hours, Company C received automatic weapons and RPG fire at WT 840674. Helicopter light fire teams, artillery fire and air strikes were called in to suppress the enemy fire with unknown results. One Bobcat was killed and fourteen were wounded in the contact. At 2030 hours, an ambush patrol from the Recon Platoon received small arms fire while enroute to their ambush position. Fire was returned and the enemy broke contact. Two Bobcats were wounded in the contact.