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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Clarence Ray Chaffin
SP4 Chaffin died in Tay Ninh, South Vietnam on 10/29/1968 during the Vietnam War as a member of Bravo Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Other Explosive Device'. Chaffin originated from Grapeland, Texas .
On October 29, 1968, at 1705 hours, a convoy being escorted by elements of the 1/5th(M) received small arms and RPG fire north of Thanh An. The enemy fire was returned with unknown results. Two soldiers were wounded in the contact. That evening, an ambush patrol from Company B 1/5th(M) set up in Dau Tieng, near the Catholic Church over looking the graveyard. At 2300 hours, after several hours with no activity, the patrol leader took half the ambush patrol and commenced a roving patrol in the general area. The patrol moved south and then turned down an alley. About 75 meters down the alley the patrol came upon a fence blocking the alley, with a gate in the middle. The point man pushed on the gate to open it and there was an explosion. The pointman was killed and the patrol leader and two other Bobcats were wounded. The remainder of the patrol was sent for and the unit then moved to the bridge, where a dust-off was called in.