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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Clarence E. Nunnery Jr.
SGT Nunnery Jr. died in Binh Duong, South Vietnam on 3/10/1969 during the Vietnam War as a member of Bravo Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Nunnery Jr. originated from Sumter, South Carolina .
On March 10, 1969, the Recon Platoon was attached to the 2/12th Infantry and conducted S&D operations northeast of Trang Bang. Companies A and B were assigned highway clearing and route security for portions of Highways 1, 7A and 19. At 0720 hours, Company B received one mortar round and several RPG rounds at its night perimeter, northeast of Trung Lap. One Bobcat was killed.