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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Richard Ramirez Jr.
PFC Ramirez Jr. died in Tay Ninh, South Vietnam on 8/19/1968 during the Vietnam War - Ben Cui as a member of Bravo Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Ramirez Jr. originated from McNeal, Arizona .
On August 19, 1968, Company A, 1/5th(M) was dispatched with Company B, 4/23(M) to assist Troop A, ¾ Cavalry who were ambushed while moving from Cu Chi to Tay Ninh on Highway 26. Companies B and C with the Recon Platoon were sweeping the area on the western edge of the previous day’s engagement. At 1225 hours, Company B made contact with an unknown size enemy force. Company C and the Recon Platoon joined Company B in the fight. Artillery, air strikes and helicopter gun ships were called in for support. The units made two assaults on the enemy position before they were able to move through it and the enemy broke contact. The units headed back to Dau Tieng Base Camp after sweeping the area of contact. Company B was then dispatched to head towards Tay Ninh on Highway 239 and meet a Platoon from the ¾ Cavalry who were enroute to Dau Tieng and then to escort them to Dau Tieng. Company B received some enemy fire as it moved west on highway 239. After linking up with the ¾ Cavalry element, they started their return trip to Dau Tieng. At 1828 hours, the Recon Platoon received fire from the south side of Highway 239 at XT 443445. At 1833 hours, Company B received RPG fire in the area of Highway 239 at XT 416444. At 1843 hours, one APC was reported hit by RPG fire shortly after the units had entered the rubber trees at XT 456449. Another APC and a tank were also hit in the same area. The units fought their way east and where Highway 239 turns north, another tank was hit by RPG fire. A little further north at XT 462458 two more APCs were hit. The units had to leave one tank and one APC on the highway. They were too badly damaged to tow. With the help of helicopter gunships and artillery the units made their way around the curve to where Highway 239 heads in an easterly direction. They took some fire at the curve, but once past it, enemy contact ceased. The units closed Dau Tieng Base Camp at 2050 hours. During the day, 9 Bobcats from Company B were killed. Company A had 2 wounded. Company B had 43 wounded and Company C had 20 wounded. The Recon Platoon had 3 wounded. The platoon from ¾ Cavalry had 13 wounded and 1 killed. Four APCs from Company B were heavily damaged and two tanks from the ¾ Cavalry were out of action