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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Earl Mack
SP4 Mack died in Gia Dinh, South Vietnam on 2/15/1968 during the Vietnam War as a member of Charlie Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Mack originated from Cambridge, Maryland .
On February 15, 1968, an assault was planned into the area of Company C’s previous contact. The area was prepped with Artillery and air strikes during the night. Company B, Company C and Troop B, ¾ Cavalry began the sweep (XT 777045) at 0720 hours. At 0945 hours, the units involved in the sweep reported negative contact. At 1137 hours, five of the MIAs were located at XT 773046. They had been stripped of all weapons and equipment. At 1155 hours, the body of the 6th MIA was located in the burned APC at XT 770045. The vehicle also had been stripped of all weapons. By 1341 hours, all the KIAs were dusted-off. In a search of the area the bodies of several VC soldiers along with equipment and supplies were located. Bunkers found in the area were destroyed. At 1535 hours, 3 Bobcats from Company B were dusted-off with wounds, along with one man from Troop B, ¾ Cavalry. The battalion command group and the Recon Platoon established a new base area, 6 kilometers south of Hoc Mon at XT 744988, near Tan Thoi Nhut on Highway 236. Company B and Company C along with Troop B, ¾ Cavalry set up a night perimeter in the area of XT 7704, where the day’s sweep had taken place.