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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Bernard Charles Mattson
PFC Mattson died in Binh Duong, South Vietnam on 1/12/1968 during the Vietnam War as a member of Charlie Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Mattson originated from East Peoria, Illinois .
On January 12, 1968, elements of the Task Force continued company size operations in the Michelin Plantation, primarily in the area of XT 5252. At 0755 hours, Company A received 5 RPG rounds along with small arms and automatic weapon fire in the area of XT 436448 in the Ben Cui Rubber Plantation. Fire was returned with unknown results. One tank and two APCs received minor damage. One Bobcat was wounded. At 1320 hours, Company C 1/5th(M) and Company D 3/22nd Infantry conducted a cordon and search of Ap Chanh(2) located at XT 518518 with negative results. At 1528 hours, Company C received 5 or 6 rounds of 60mm mortar fire in the area of XT 522518. One Bobcat was killed. The enemy fire was returned with mortars and a helicopter LFT with unknown results. At 1759 hours, Company C located and destroyed a tilt rod mine.