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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Terry Lee Snyder
SP4 Snyder died in South Vietnam on 9/30/1966 during the Vietnam War - Battle for Cu Chi as a member of Charlie Company . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Other Explosive Device'. Snyder originated from Chicago, Illinois .
On September 30, 1966, 5 APCs from Company A continued their march toward Go Dau Ha at first light. At 0700 hours the vehicles became bogged down at XT 489299 and the element awaited assistance. Company A(-) departed the perimeter at 1110 hours acting as rear guard for the battalion during movement to the 2nd Brigade CP. At 1208 hours one APC from Company C which was traveling with the group struck an AT mine at XT 510447 resulting in 1 Bobcat from Company C being killed and 3 others wounded. The APC was later stripped and destroyed in place. Company A(-) was unable to get to the 2nd Bde CP because of stuck vehicles and established a night base at XT 478352. Company B was also forced to establish its own night perimeter at XT 510346. Company C managed to close the 2nd Brigade forward CP at 1930 hours.