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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Robert Anthony Schmid
SP4 Schmid died in South Vietnam on 8/16/1966 during the Vietnam War - Battle for Cu Chi as a member of HQ-Recon Platoon . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Schmid originated from Hartsdale, New York .
On August 16, 1966, Company A continued to provide security at Go Dau Ha for artillery units. Companies B and C conducted separate S&D operations in the area. Both units had light contact and closed back to the battalion forward base by 1730 hours. A Recon Platoon APC detonated a mine at XT 358438 while on an escort mission from Go Dau Ha. Three Bobcats were wounded. One wounded Bobcat died of his wounds before a dust-off could get there. A check of the road revealed 3 more mines in the area. The platoon stayed at Trung Mit overnight.