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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Joseph Paul Zale
SP4 Zale died in Gia Dinh, South Vietnam on 2/20/1968 during the Vietnam War as a member of HQ-HHC . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Artillery, Rocket, or Mortar'. Zale originated from Vernon, Connecticut .
On February 20, 1968, Companies B and C and Company A of the 2/34th Armor departed the base area at 0700 hours and started to the area of where the dead Bobcats were located. At 0750 hours, Company C captured a wounded NVA soldier. He stated that there were 3 companies in the area of yesterday’s contact and they were well dug in. At 0800 hours the companies were told to halt their advance. At 0815 hours the Recon Platoon left to escort an engineer element to Cu Chi. At 0832 hours, the Recon Platoon had one man wounded in the ankle by a sniper. After numerous airstrikes, the units continued their movement into the area of the previous contact. At 1700 hours, the Recon Platoon located one of the dead Bobcats. At 1745 hours, Company B located and recovered the other two.