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Killed In Action, Missing In Action, & Died In Service
Edgar Clay Spence
SGT Spence died in Gia Dinh, South Vietnam on 2/29/1968 during the Vietnam War as a member of HQ-Recon Platoon . The soldier's injury type or status was recorded as 'Multiple Fragmentation Wounds'. Spence originated from Baton Rogue, Louisiana .
On February 29, 1968, Company B, one platoon from Company A and the Recon Platoon, with tanks attached, departed the forward base at 0734 hours for a sweep in the XT 7906 grid area, just south of the Cau Sang River. At 1105 hours, the Recon Platoon established enemy contact. Company B and the Company A Platoon moved to flank the contact. LFTs were called in to work over the area. At 1350 hours, a dust-off was requested for 2 wounded Bobcats. At 1517 hours, the units were reported in heavy contact. At 1530 hours, a dust-off was requested for 5 wounded from the tank support element. At 1645 hours, two Bobcats were killed. One was from Company A and the other was from the Recon Platoon. An airstrike and mortar fires were called in before the bodies could be extracted from the contact area at 1745 hours. At 1026 hours, an APC from Company C, 1/5th(M), while attached to the 2/34th Armor, was hit by two RPG rounds. Two Bobcats were wounded. One of the Bobcats died from his injuries shortly therafter.