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Armand Fleury B Co. 68 - 69
Bandits", 2d Battalion (Mech) 2d Infantry Regiment, 1st Inf. Div.
Bill Silva B Company 1969-70
Billy Smith B Company 66-67
Charles Kennedy A Company 68
Charlie Bryson 69-70
Christmas Platoon, 1st Plt B Co 1967-68
Clyde Lawrence KIA 5-16-70 courtesy of Jenny Diaz (widow)
Dan Rogers Shearin KIA 1-31-66 courtesy of Hazel Willis
Dane Robinson
David Reid, Charlie and Crip 69 - 70
David William Hensel (KIA) B Co. 70 courtesy of Marty Hensel
Dennis Dailey's HHC, Recon 67 - 68
Dennis Donnell's Co. B 68 - 69
Dennis Mugley B Company 1970
Don Warkentin 1970
Don Weisgram's Co. C 69
Doug Huffman B Company 69-70
Doug Willmeroth - 25th Admin
Edward Kawczynski C Company 1968
Eusevio (Sam) "Doc" Alvarado Recon 67 - 68
Gary Fenton B Company 68 - 69
Glenn Wimbish's Co. C 66 - 67
Howard Craig's Recon 67- 68
Jeff Brodeur, Korea 83 - 86
Jim Cuthbertson Alpha Co 12/67-5/67 H&HC 7/67-12/67
Joe "Doc" Vesconte B Company 70
Joe Lex Headquarters 68-69
John Johnson, Steve Barton, Mike Atherton - Recon 69-70
John Mavon B Company 1970
Jose Guerra
Joseph Bane Co. C Commander 1968 - 69
Korean War
MC Toyer 3/5th 1969
Michael Patrick Halpin Christmas Video
Mike Smith B Co. 70 - 71
Norman " Butch" Petit 1966
Olaf "Tommy" Olsen Park Dedication
Paul Brockman
Ralph Laubecher
Rick Yarosavich D Company 69-70
Robert Ciolek's Co. B 68-69
Roberto Garcia, Bravo Company 68 - 69
Roger Hayes C Co. 67 -68
Roger Smith Battalion Photographer 67-68
Ron Henry HHC 1968
Sgt Glenn Cuneo, Active duty - Historic Pictures
Stephen P. Walker, Bravo Company 68 - 69
Ted Jagosz B Company 66 - 67
Theron ( Terry) Clough's Co. A 70 - 71
Tim Fyle B Co. 66 - 67
Tucson Reunion 2004
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Roger Hayes C Co. 67 -68
Bobcat Charlie 23 (our track) in the Iron Triangle
Firing my AK-47
Roger Hayes Charlie Company 1967 -1968
Preparing for an overnight ambush patrol
A two-story bunker on the heavily fortified perimeter of the Cu Chi base camp
Here's a map of Cu Chi
On May 23 entering Cu Chi for the first time in six months, with a huge cumulonimbus cloud as a backdrop. The sign reads, "Walk facing traffic."
On Point
Dennis (Hack) Hackin and village kids
Jeep Seat
R & R
50 Cal
Nui Ba Den
Nui Ba Den
Nui Ba Den, the Black Virgin Mountain
More Ba Den
Jim Slagle (left) and Billie Barnett
A social evening
Staff Sergeant James Cattrell