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Armand Fleury B Co. 68 - 69
Bandits", 2d Battalion (Mech) 2d Infantry Regiment, 1st Inf. Div.
Bill Silva B Company 1969-70
Billy Smith B Company 66-67
Charles Kennedy A Company 68
Charlie Bryson 69-70
Christmas Platoon, 1st Plt B Co 1967-68
Clyde Lawrence KIA 5-16-70 courtesy of Jenny Diaz (widow)
Dan Rogers Shearin KIA 1-31-66 courtesy of Hazel Willis
Dane Robinson
David Reid, Charlie and Crip 69 - 70
David William Hensel (KIA) B Co. 70 courtesy of Marty Hensel
Dennis Dailey's HHC, Recon 67 - 68
Dennis Donnell's Co. B 68 - 69
Dennis Mugley B Company 1970
Don Warkentin 1970
Don Weisgram's Co. C 69
Doug Huffman B Company 69-70
Doug Willmeroth - 25th Admin
Edward Kawczynski C Company 1968
Eusevio (Sam) "Doc" Alvarado Recon 67 - 68
Gary Fenton B Company 68 - 69
Glenn Wimbish's Co. C 66 - 67
Howard Craig's Recon 67- 68
Jeff Brodeur, Korea 83 - 86
Jim Cuthbertson Alpha Co 12/67-5/67 H&HC 7/67-12/67
Joe "Doc" Vesconte B Company 70
Joe Lex Headquarters 68-69
John Johnson, Steve Barton, Mike Atherton - Recon 69-70
John Mavon B Company 1970
Jose Guerra
Joseph Bane Co. C Commander 1968 - 69
Korean War
MC Toyer 3/5th 1969
Michael Patrick Halpin Christmas Video
Mike Smith B Co. 70 - 71
Norman " Butch" Petit 1966
Olaf "Tommy" Olsen Park Dedication
Paul Brockman
Ralph Laubecher
Rick Yarosavich D Company 69-70
Robert Ciolek's Co. B 68-69
Roberto Garcia, Bravo Company 68 - 69
Roger Hayes C Co. 67 -68
Roger Smith Battalion Photographer 67-68
Ron Henry HHC 1968
Sgt Glenn Cuneo, Active duty - Historic Pictures
Stephen P. Walker, Bravo Company 68 - 69
Ted Jagosz B Company 66 - 67
Theron ( Terry) Clough's Co. A 70 - 71
Tim Fyle B Co. 66 - 67
Tucson Reunion 2004
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John Johnson, Steve Barton, Mike Atherton - Recon 69-70
A well equipped bunker must have guitar
Barney (left) and guy from flame
Barney getting snipped and bodyguard
Barney on stuck 003
Building a new compound
Building a new compound
Bustin thru a hedgerow
Dustoff near Thai Mi
Gen Black at ceremony in Go Dau Ha
Guy from 003 who drove after Barney left
Guy from flame
Recon 1st Squad - Track 001 Casino Royale Luciano (Drvr), Len Buzzard (Behind) - (Photo courtesy Steve Barton)
Near FSB Devens 1969 Sgt. Clark from Poteau, OK (Photo courtesy Steve Barton)
Road Security 1969 Unknown (Photo courtesy of Steve Barton)
Road Security 1969 "Whitey" (Photo courtesy of Steve Barton)
FSB Devens 1969 Ron Bettie (Driver) & Friend (Photo courtesy Mike Atherton)
Ho Bo Woods - 1969 Ron Bettie(L) & Mike Atherton (Photo Courtesy Mike Atherton)
Ho Bo Woods 1969 Jim Fackler (Photo courtesy Mike Atherton)
FSB Devens 1969 Mike Atherton (Photo courtesy Mike Atherton)
Ho Bo woods 1969 Jim Fackler (Photo courtesy Mike Atherton)
Recon Platoon command track 007 on Hwy 1 - 1969 Scott", driver, Sgt. David Hutto, a Cheiu Hoi Scout and a Captain (Platoon Leader?)